Investment digest of the Republic of Tatarstan: about the work of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan for April

2 May 2023, Tuesday

In addition to the main events, there is a whole digest on the main news in the investment sector of Tatarstan.

The month began with good news for our republic. On April 3, the President of Russia issued a decree stating that the BRICS Summit in 2024 will be held in Kazan.

  “In connection with the upcoming Russian presidency of the BRICS association in 2024, I decide to designate Kazan as the venue for the meeting of the BRICS heads of state in 2024. To form an organizing committee for the preparation and provision of the Russian Federation’s chairmanship of the BRICS association in 2024,” the decree says.

On the same day, negotiations were held with a representative of the joint-stock company "World Business Bank" on Iran's participation in the exhibition at KazanForum. 100% of the shares of the joint-stock company belong to the largest state-owned bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Also, Deputy Head Igor Sapunov met with Tatlift LLC and a Chinese company. During the meeting, working issues on joint production were discussed.

Later, the Head of the Agency held a video conference with the new Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Egypt, Alexey Tevanyan, on the development of foreign economic activity of Tatarstan with Egypt, followed by the signing of documents on cooperation in order to increase trade turnover and implement investment projects.

Talia Minullina also held a meeting with an investor and with a manufacturer of a digital electric vehicle with advanced IT capabilities for the user.

Afterwards, the Head of the IDA held a meeting on the implementation of Halal standards in the field of hospitality to increase tourist attractiveness.

On April 4, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation announced that Tatarstan entered the top 3 with Moscow and St. Petersburg in terms of the quality of the urban environment. The index evaluates 36 different indicators of the quality of the urban environment. In the republic, 24 cities were assessed, and Innopolis became the best in the category of small cities in Russia.

On April 5, a delegation from Nizhny Novgorod led by Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Denis Bakiev visited the Unified Presentation Center of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the same day, Talia Minullina held a meeting with representatives of the Magnit company. The Magnit chain plans to place halal products produced in Tatarstan on its shelves.

On April 5-7, the Tatarstan International Forum on Energy and Energy and Resource Efficiency was held at the Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center.
At the forum, Talia Minullina took part in the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the progress of the implementation of the state program “Energy and resource efficiency in the Republic of Tatarstan” in 2022 and tasks for 2023.”

On April 6, Talia Minullina held a regular reception of citizens at the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan, to which they came with proposals to improve the investment climate.

The next day, the Head of the AIR met with the General Director of Bakhetle, Muslima Latypova. During the meeting, a potential investment project was discussed.

On the same day, a resident of the Innopolis SEZ announced a dumpling vending machine.

On April 10, Talia Minullina met with representatives of the Soft Plaza company. She is a professional in the field of land and property relations and the implementation of the state program “National Spatial Data System”.

The Head of the Agency also held a meeting with representatives of Malaysia in videoconferencing mode. The main topics of discussion were the expansion of interregional cooperation and Malaysia’s participation in the “KazanForum: Russia - Islamic World” 2023, which will be held on May 18–19.

Immediately after it, Talia Minullina held an online meeting at which they discussed the possibility of joining forces to strengthen foreign economic ties with Indonesia.

On the same day, a delegation from China arrived in Tatarstan to study the market and investment potential. The program included visits to relevant ministries and departments. Thus, Deputy Head of the Agency Igor Sapunov held negotiations on possible investment projects.

On April 11, Insaf Galiev visited the production enterprises of the VDS group of companies as part of the visit of the delegation of the Republic of Tatarstan.

A day later, the Ninth meeting of the Working Group on Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation was held in Minsk, where Insaf Galiev presented the investment potential of Tatarstan.

On April 12, Talia Minullina held a meeting on issues of territorial planning for the development of the territory of the Kazan agglomeration, the formation of investment-attractive land plots and the identification of promising directions for the development of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On April 13, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting of the commission to consider applications for concluding agreements on the implementation of activities in the priority development territories “Naberezhnye Chelny” and “Zelenodolsk” under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan M.R. Shagiakhmetova.

Also on this day, representatives of the Etalon company arrived at the Agency for acquaintance. The meeting was chaired by Igor Sapunov, deputy of the Agency for Investment Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, and the investor relations section took part. The company shared its achievements and plans for work in Tatarstan. The parties discussed possible topics for further cooperation.

The day before, on Cosmonautics Day, a time capsule was laid into the foundation of the construction of the residential complex “Happiness in Kazan”. The groundbreaking ceremony for a new facility of the major republican investor Etalon Group was attended by architects, builders, government officials and company executives. On behalf of the AIR RT, Deputy Head of the AIR RT Marina Epifantseva spoke.

On April 14, Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the defense of projects of participants in the Raisa Tatarstan Personnel Reserve. The event took place in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan. Talia Minullina also got acquainted with the presented projects.

On the same day, Igor Sapunov held an online meeting with a potential investor. An enterprise contacted the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan with a question about obtaining a land plot.

On April 17, representatives of companies from different parts of our country came to Tatarstan on a business mission to learn from successful experience and to establish business connections. The program includes a visit to an IT park produced by Haier.

Talia Minullina also held a reception for citizens. During the meeting, they discussed the possibility of implementing a project for the cultivation, processing and production of textile products.

On this day, the Agency was also visited by journalists from member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry as part of a press tour to Tatarstan.

On April 18, more than 50 representatives of companies from 20 cities from Moscow to Vladivostok came to our republic to gain valuable experience from the best enterprises in Tatarstan. Traditionally, employees of the Investment Development Agency accepted the business mission of Russian entrepreneurs.

The Head of the Investment Development Agency also held a meeting with a potential investor. An entrepreneur came to the Agency for advice. He is interested in implementing an investment project for the construction of toll roads in Tatarstan.

During the reception of citizens, the Head of the Agency was also told about the neuroresearch laboratory. During the meeting, opportunities for cooperation were discussed.

On the same day, Talia Minullina met with the owner of IS Group Sinish Yasnich, who arrived in Tatarstan on a business visit. During the meeting, possible areas for cooperation were discussed.

Also on April 18, an online conference “Tatarstan - a territory of investment” was held: what preferences the region is ready to offer." Experts answered pressing questions:
— Talia Minullina, head of AIR RT
— Yuriy Bychkov, owner of the City Baths franchise
— Dmitry Novikov, Deputy General Director for Development of Cotton Way.

On April 19, the Head of the Investment Development Agency held an extended meeting with representatives of the republican ministries, departments and the Almetyevsk municipal district on the issue of concluding an offset contract with the investor.

On April 20, the World Congress of Tatars held a videoconferencing meeting with the participation of the Agency. Tatars living in different parts of the world and Russia discussed business opportunities with the Investment Development Agency. Marina Epifantseva spoke about the current situation with foreign investments, and Acting Director of the Directorate of International Programs Diana Shaikhutdinova spoke about the upcoming KazanForum. We discussed halal financial products and doing business in general.

Also on this day, Talia Minullina became a speaker at the annual anti-conference Marx Fest, an open educational platform of the Kazan Federal University.
This time we discussed the prospects for youth entrepreneurship. The head of AIR RT told students about the agency’s activities and daily work to attract investors.

Immediately after the anti-conference, the Head of the Agency spoke at the Final Round Table on the topic: “The limits of the possible. Is there anything left that hasn’t happened yet?”

The moderator was Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Russia in Global Affairs”. Talia Minullina invited the famous international journalist to AIR to continue the discussion.

On April 22, representatives of the Agency played a basketball match in a joint team with the Ministry of Digital Development.

April 24 Companies from various industries came to Tatarstan on a business mission. At the request of the participants, Talia Minullina spoke about support measures for investors.
Among the most popular, the Head of the Agency noted the guaranteed sales market: SPIC, offset contracts, concession agreement, public-private partnership, and also noted that investors are attracted by tax preferences and leasing grants.

On the same day, the head of the PPP development department, Elina Zhiganova, took part in the conference “An integrated approach to regional development using the tools of JSC DOM.RF.”

Also on this day, Talia Minullina met with entrepreneurs from China. During the meeting, possible areas for cooperation were discussed.

On April 25, Insaf Galiev took part in the work of the Tatarstan delegation led by Rais RT Rustam Minnikhanov. The visit program included meetings with top officials of Uzbekistan and participation in the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM. Central Asia”, which brought together more than 700 companies.

At this time, the business mission of the St. Petersburg regional branch “Business Russia” started in Kazan. 14 entrepreneurs from the northern capital of our country, the leadership of Business Russia, accompanied by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Renat Valiullina, came to the Agency to meet with Talia Minullina.

After the business mission’s visit, Talia Minullina held a meeting with relevant ministries and departments. The main issue was the discussion of the strategic development of the Sviyazhsk interregional multimodal logistics center.

On April 26, a delegation from the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province visited the Unified Presentation Center of the Republic of Tajikistan as part of a working trip.

On the same day, a group of entrepreneurs from Turkey who work in the textile sector visited Kazan. More than twenty companies presented their products to potential business partners from Tatarstan.

Also on this day, Talia Minullina took part in an online meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Oleg Korobchenko and with enterprises of Tatarstan.

On April 27, Elina Zhiganova participated in an online meeting of the National PPP Center (VEB.RF group) and representatives of the All-Russian public organization “Business Russia”.

Also on this day, South Africa celebrated its National Holiday - Freedom Day. The South African Embassy in Russia traditionally organized a reception, which was also attended by representatives of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of South Africa to Russia and Belarus Mzuvukile Jeff Maketuka received Deputy Head Marina Epifantseva.

On the same day, the Head of the IDA met with the General Director of JSC “SEZ PPT Alabuga” Timur Shagivaleev. At the meeting, they discussed the possible development of additional tools and government support measures for investors.

The month ended with a meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the XIV International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum”. It was conducted by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Marat Khusnullin.

Also on this day, Rustam Minnikhanov met with the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikail Jabbarov. Talia Minullina also took part in the meeting.

Insaf Galiyev spoke at the opening of the Tatarstan - Azerbaijan business forum, which was dedicated to partnership in the economic, scientific and technical spheres.

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