Протоколы заседаний Общественного Cовета при Агентстве инвестиционного развития Республики Татарстан
Contact information on the activities of the Public Council under the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan:
Head of the legal and documentation support department - Maria Vitalievna Krivenkova (phone (843) 570-40-01 (ext. 421), email - Mariya.Krivenkova@tatar.ru)
Reception of citizens takes place by appointment every working Tuesday from 14.00 to 18.00.
Make an appointment at: 420049, Kazan, st. Agronomicheskaya, 11, tel./fax +7 (843) 570-40-01, email. email Mariya.Krivenkova@tatar.ru
Last updated: 11 December 2024, 14:57