Industrial Park "Chistopol"

Since 2010, 642 million rubles of budget funds have been allocated for the construction of engineering infrastructure and development of the "Chistopol" Industrial Park .

Park's Mission

Creating conditions for business development, including small and medium-sized businesses, a mass of service enterprises, attracting investment and the latest technologies.

Main characteristics of the Park

The Chistopol Industrial Park is located in the Buldyr rural settlement of the Chistopol municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The area of ​​the Park is 292 hectares, it is divided into 35 plots from 1 to 13 hectares.

The city of Chistopol is located 1.2 km to the west of the site, and the site is limited to the regional highway Chistopol-Nizhnekamsk from the east. From the south, the Kazan-Orenburg - Chistopol-Nizhnekamsk highway.

Geographical advantages of the Park

- 144 km to Kazan;

- 115 km to Kazan International Airport;

- 146 km to Begishevo International Airport

- developed road network;

- navigable Kama River;

- 5 km to the river port;

- 123 km to Nurlat railway station

- 141 km to Naberezhnye Chelny railway station

Park's Infrastructure

- 8 MW power supply;

- Central gas supply;

- Internet connection;

- 45 MW boiler house (category II);

- Water supply with a capacity of 575 m3/hour;

- Centralized sewerage with a capacity of 259 m3/hour.

Measures of state support for the development of the Park

There is a special regime for carrying out entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Park:

1. Investors receive infrastructure created at the expense of the state budget for the implementation of business, which allows them to reduce the costs of creating new production facilities;

2. Investment projects included in the Comprehensive Investment Plan for the Development of the City of Chistopol, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 20.10.2010 No. 833 and implemented on the territory of the Park have the right to receive the following benefits in accordance with the procedure established by law:

3. The Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 02.08.2008 No. 53-ZRT reduced the tax rate to 15.5 percent (13.5 percent in the part transferred to the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan and 2 percent - to the federal budget) for investment entities created for the purpose of implementing investment projects in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 25.11.1998 No. 1872;

4. For the Park residents who have entered into an Agreement on the implementation of an investment project with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 28.11.2003 No. 49-ZRT, a preferential property tax rate of 0.1 percent instead of 2.2 percent has been established for the payback period of the project, but not more than 7 years, and for enterprises implementing investment projects in the field of mechanical engineering, the period of providing tax benefits will be up to 13 years;

Contact information

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

420021, Kazan, Moskovskaya str., 55

Tel. +7 (843) 524-91-11 ,


Chistopolsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

422980, Chistopol, st. Bebelya, 129

Phone: +7(84342) 5-43-60

Fax: +7(84342) 5-43-70



Last updated: 27 November 2024, 11:02

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