7 puzzles of fighting corruption from TIDA

9 December 2024, Monday

The Head of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan, Taliya Minullina, spoke about 7 methods of combating corruption in the investment sector.

1) Public coverage of the anti-corruption activities of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan on the official website of the Agency

17 tabs in the "Anti-corruption" section with an exhaustive list of methodological materials, reports, reports, reviews, regulatory documents, statistical and other information on anti-corruption issues are posted on the official website of the Investment Development Agency.

Reports on measures to implement anti-corruption policy in the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/otcheti-o-merah-po-realizatsii-antikorruptsionnoy.htm

Results of anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and draft regulatory legal acts conducted by the TIDA: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/anticor/expertrez.htm

Methodological materials, reports, reports, reviews, statistical and other information on anti-corruption issues: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/metodicheskie-materiali-dokladi-otchyoti-obzori.htm

Anti-corruption legal education: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/antikorruptsionnoe-pravovoe-prosveshchenie.htm

More details: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/protivodeystvie-korruptsii.htm

2) Investment Council of the Republic of Tatarstan chaired by Rais of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov

Before an investor defends his project before the Rais of the Republic at a meeting of the Investment Council, he will undergo an examination of the financial model and the feasibility of implementing the idea on a land plot provided by the republic for lease without holding an auction not only in the TIDA RT, but also in the relevant ministries of Tatarstan. At the slightest doubt, we organize meetings of working groups on the implementation of a particular project. Also, the final agenda of the Investment Council meeting must be approved. Last time, I collected 354 signatures throughout the republic. An investment project is very complex. These are issues of land relations, and personnel issues, issues of connecting utility networks, design, construction, architecture, location, transport accessibility, sales markets, confirmation of financing, that is, the availability of capital from investors to implement the project. We check them with taxes. Unfortunately, there are no mechanisms to speed up the process of passing the project at all levels yet. If there were, if everything worked out quickly, then there would be no need for an investment development agency. The investor would quickly collect signatures and that would be it. But, unfortunately, that is not the case yet. At every stage, we have to call colleagues, write letters, appeals, and hold meetings. This is bureaucracy, which, on the one hand, harms business, and on the other, gives the state an impressive "safety cushion" so that those projects that have been approved at the highest level are implemented and do not have any pitfalls, so that they do not violate the law. It is very complex, three-tiered: federal, regional, municipal. So that we do not violate anything and do everything according to the law, this process is so complex.

Reference: in order to implement the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Foreign Investments in the Republic of Tatarstan" and the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Investment Activity in the Republic of Tatarstan", as well as to improve the investment climate of the Republic of Tatarstan, on July 5, 2012, the Rais of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov decided to establish the Investment Council of the Republic of Tatarstan and approve the regulations on it. More details: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/documents.htm

The decisions of the Investment Council are taken by a simple majority of votes by open voting of the members of the Investment Council present at the meeting and are formalized in a protocol, which is signed by the secretary of the Investment Council and approved by the chairman of the Investment Council. In the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman is decisive. In the absence of the chairman, the first deputy chairman has the decisive vote. In case of disagreement with the decision taken, a member of the Investment Council has the right to express his opinion in writing, which must be attached to the minutes of the meeting.

The decisions of the Investment Council can also be taken by absentee voting (by poll). The procedure for conducting absentee voting is determined by the decision of the Investment Council. The decisions of the Investment Council taken by means of absentee voting (by poll) are formalized in a protocol, which is signed by the secretary and approved by the chairman.

3) Public Council under the TIDA RT

It was created on December 20, 2016 on my initiative. The Public Council under the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan is an advisory body that considers issues related to the implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the rights of public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations in the Republic of Tatarstan in the formation and implementation of state policy in the sphere of attracting investments, supporting investment projects, participating in the organization of a favorable investment climate and increasing the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the sphere of public-private partnership, and also exercises other powers stipulated by the Regulation on the Public Council under the Agency.

The main objectives of the Public Council are:

taking into account the needs and interests of citizens, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and the rights of public associations and other non-governmental non-profit organizations in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of attracting investments, supporting investment projects, participating in organizing a favorable investment climate and increasing the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the field of public-private partnership;
involving representatives of public, professional and creative associations in the development of the main directions of state policy on issues related to the Agency's area of ​​activity, implementing the principle of publicity and openness of the Agency's activities;
The tasks of the Public Council are:

improving the mechanism for taking public opinion into account when making decisions by the Agency;
raising public awareness of the main areas of the Agency's activity;
forming intolerance in society towards corrupt behavior.
In order to achieve the stated goals and solve the set tasks, the Public Council:

prepares proposals for improving state policy in the sphere of attracting investments, supporting investment projects, participating in organizing a favorable investment climate and increasing the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Tatarstan in the sphere of public-private partnerships;
participates in anti-corruption activities;
organizes public examination of draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Agency, which cannot be adopted without prior discussion at a meeting of the Public Council under the Agency;
participates in monitoring the quality of public services provided by the Agency;
participates in assessing the effectiveness of public procurement by the Agency;
participates in the work of competition commissions for holding a competition for filling a vacant position of the state civil service and certification commissions for conducting certification of state civil servants holding positions of the state civil service.
More details: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/sovet/tidart.htm

5) Departmental anti-corruption program of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan

The priorities of the program "Implementation of the anti-corruption policy

of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan" correspond to the Strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2030. In order to achieve the goals of the anti-corruption policy of the Agency, goals and objectives have been defined, the structure and system of indicators of the Program have been developed.

Goal 1: improving the anti-corruption system in the Agency, which is characterized by ensuring 100 percent completeness of the adoption of organizational and legal measures to combat corruption, including internal control and an anti-corruption mechanism in personnel policy.

Goal 2: creating conditions that prevent corruption in the Agency, which is characterized by ensuring the conduct of anti-corruption expertise in relation to all draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Agency.

Goal 3: developing an intolerant attitude towards corruption among Agency employees, which is characterized by 100% coverage of Agency employees with whom anti-corruption measures have been carried out.

To achieve the goal of "Improving the anti-corruption system in the Agency", the following tasks are solved:

improving the tools and mechanisms, including legal and organizational, for combating corruption in the Agency;
assessing the state of corruption in the Agency;
To achieve the goal of "Creating conditions that prevent corruption in the Agency, which is characterized by ensuring that anti-corruption expertise is carried out in relation to all draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Agency", the following tasks are solved:

identifying and eliminating corruption-generating factors in draft regulatory legal acts of the Agency through anti-corruption expertise, ensuring conditions for conducting an independent anti-corruption expertise of draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Agency;
ensuring openness, accessibility of the Agency's activities for citizens, interaction with civil society, stimulation of anti-corruption activity of the public;
ensuring openness, fair competition and objectivity in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Agency and the offices of justices of the peace of the Republic of Tatarstan, increasing the efficiency of using state property.
In order to achieve the goal of "Formation of an intolerant attitude towards corruption among Agency employees", the task of organizing anti-corruption training and implementing anti-corruption propaganda, involving human resources, material, information and other resources of civil society in combating corruption is being solved.

Passport of the program "Implementation of the anti-corruption policy

Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan": https://tida.tatarstan.ru/anticor/tidaprog.htm

6)Commission under the Head of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan on Combating Corruption

The Commission was established for the purposes of:

reducing the level of corruption;
eliminating the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption in the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan;
preventing corruption offenses in the Agency;
participating within the limits of its authority in the implementation of measures aimed at combating corruption in the Agency;
ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state from threats associated with corruption.
The main tasks of the Commission are:

developing program measures to combat corruption and monitoring their implementation;
ensuring the creation of conditions for reducing the level of corruption in the Agency and preventing corruption offenses;
ensuring transparency of the Agency's activities;
forming an intolerant attitude towards corrupt actions;
ensuring control over the quality and timeliness of resolving issues contained in citizens' appeals related to corruption.
In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the Commission performs the following functions:

develops plans and measures to combat corruption;
examines at extraordinary meetings the facts of detection of corruption in the Agency and takes measures to suppress or prevent them;
prepares recommendations for the Agency's civil servants to improve the effectiveness of combating corruption in the Agency.
In order to implement its functions, the Commission has the following rights:

review at its meetings the implementation of the Agency's program measures to combat corruption;
interact with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of exchanging information and conducting anti-corruption measures;
hear at its meetings the heads of structural divisions and officials of the Agency on the work carried out to prevent corruption;
if necessary, in accordance with the established procedure, involve specialists in a certain area of ​​legal relations to conduct an anti-corruption examination.
More details: https://tida.tatarstan.ru/anticor/komissiya.htm

7) Declaration campaign of employees of the RT Investment Development Agency

Taliya Minullina: “Nevertheless, bureaucratization, namely the preparation of regulatory legal acts at various levels, and then countless reports on anti-corruption topics will never be more effective than regular broad coverage in the media of cases of bribery, criminal liability, and most importantly - the dissemination of information about how the life of a person (and his relatives and immediate circle) associated with corruption and convicted of the crime changes.”

See also: “Regulatory legal acts and other acts in the field of combating corruption” - https://tida.tatarstan.ru/normativnie-pravovie-akti-i-inie-akti-v-sfere.htm

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