Investment trends of the outgoing year

18 December 2024, Wednesday

The day before, the head of the RT Investment Development Agency, Taliya Minullina, shared the investment trends for 2024 at the final meeting of the Investors Club this year.

#1 — growth of investments in logistics, domestic tourism and intellectual property. In these segments, the investment amounts are several times greater than in previous years.

#2 — changing financial models of investment projects. “These are loans from each other, loans from parent companies. Given the key rate, of course, it is difficult to get loans,” — Taliya Minullina.

#3 — this is the transition to new equipment, which was not used in our country at all before.

#4 — personnel shortage.
“Our large enterprises are building dormitories, often poaching employees from each other. The level of wages is increasing. All this is connected with labor migration... All these issues are sounding quite loudly today. And not only in Tatarstan, but also in our country. Our unemployment rate is critical, it is very difficult for investments,” — Taliya Minullina.

#5 — a request for government support measures. First of all, we are talking about municipal-private, public-private partnerships, concession agreements and offset contracts (with guaranteed sales from the state). “Not a single offset contract has been concluded in Tatarstan yet, although there are dozens of such examples across the country” — Taliya Minullina.

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