It's time to invest in the regions of Tatarstan!

26 August 2024, Monday

The Investment Development Agency continues its "Investment Hours" with the heads of municipal districts. This week, the heads of the Zainsky and Bavlinsky districts will talk about investments at the RT Investment Development Agency. August 27 at 14:00 - Razif Karimov August 28 at 10:00 - Ilyas Guzairov Address: Kazan, Agronomicheskaya St., 11. The live broadcast is available in the official RT Investment Development Agency group in VK at the link

We remind you that the "Investment Hour" with the district is a business platform where you can learn first-hand about investment opportunities, large projects, new niches and business support measures. Investors present their projects in municipal districts. Entrepreneurs can ask pressing questions and promptly receive answers from representatives of the republic's authorities responsible for the investment climate in Tatarstan.

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