The Agency's legislative initiatives were considered

20 February 2025, Thursday

Today, the 7th meeting of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan of the seventh convocation was held, during which the deputies considered a number of bills, including those concerning legislation regulating investment activities.

In particular, the draft amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan of October 10, 2011 N 68-ZRT "On investment tax credit in the Republic of Tatarstan" was considered.

As of December 23, 2024, the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation that an investment tax credit can be granted for a period of up to ten years, the provision on the inclusion of an organization in the register of residents of the territorial development zone as one of the grounds for providing an investment tax credit and the norms related to this provision have lost force. The corresponding changes are also being made to the above-mentioned republican law.

The deputies also considered the draft amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan of November 25, 1998 N 1872 "On investment activities in the Republic of Tatarstan". The changes are related to amendments to the Federal Law of April 1, 2020 N 69-FZ "On the Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments in the Russian Federation". These changes are reflected in our "Digest of Legislation" for 2024.

In addition, a draft was submitted for consideration and voting, the consideration of which took place at an off-site meeting of the State Council Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Economy, Investments and Entrepreneurship on October 18, 2024 within the walls of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. Namely, on amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan of July 5, 2013 N 54-ZRT "On the Commissioner under the Head (Raisa) of the Republic of Tatarstan for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights". The changes are related to the early termination of the powers of the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Read also
Amendments have been made to the republican law on investment activities

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