New management methods for modern production by Haier founder Mr. Zhang Ruimin

29 August 2019, Thursday

Only through the “self-destruction” one can keep up to date and be a leader. For the first time in Russia, a public lecture was delivered by the General Director of Haier Corporation, Mr. Zhang Ruimin. One of the world’s greatest thinkers in the field of management shared the secrets of Haier uniqueness with the business community of Tatarstan, spoke about the RenDanHeYi quantum business management model and answered questions of entrepreneurs.

The uniqueness of the corporation, according to its founder, is in constant development. The modern world in the era of Internet is not static. New technologies make to change not only the created products, but also the management decisions. The old approaches are no longer work in the modern world. For the first time, it was at Haier where the RenDanHeYi quantum business management model has been developed and put into practice. It consists in integrating the employee’s value with the user value created by him/her. The most important thing in the model is the improvement of personnel, transforming it from disinterested performers into entrepreneurs and heads of micro-sized business. Throughout his speech, Zhang Ruimin noted the special importance of the human capital, because it is people who create the product and buy it; the product does not have a specific value, consumers endow it with value. Every year, thousands of companies visit Haier headquarters in Qingdao to learn about the RenDanHeYi model and put it into practice.

“The basic values ​​for modern companies in the era of Internet of things are the values ​​of the Internet, nodal points. The enterprise should turn into a network. Only this way we can create new values. Haier is more than a company. This is a platform for entrepreneurs and innovators, an important network with connection of users,” said the founder of the corporation.

It is symbolic that in Russia the presentation of new management methods for modern production took place in Kazan. Haier is the largest Chinese partner of Tatarstan. The visit of Mr. Zhang Ruimin marked a new milestone in relations between countries and regions: on the eve, on August 28, in Naberezhnye Chelny, an opening ceremony of the washing machine plant and Haier Industrial Park was held. It is planned that in the future it will unify 12 plants of the Chinese corporation.

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