Work on projects: two new investment projects from Turkey, import substitution, tourism investment projects in the Laishevsky district

11 June 2024, Tuesday

The past week was full of meetings between the deputy head of the Tatarstan Agency for Development and Development Igor Sapunov, the head of the department for support and support of investment projects Olesya Nigmetzyanova and the head of the department for examination of investment projects Dmitry Alekseev with investors.

A total of 11 meetings were held with investors, in some cases with the participation of representatives of ministries and departments of the republic, as well as regions of Tatarstan, on the implementation of investment projects in Tatarstan and 6 meetings on the conclusion of investment agreements and work with projects.

Import substitution
Deputy head of the Tatarstan Agency for Investment Development, Igor Sapunov, with the participation of the heads of support and support departments, as well as examination of investment projects, met with Evgeny Andreev, who is engaged in the production of construction goods subject to import substitution in Russia.

A businessman came to the AID for clarification 554 of the procedure for obtaining a plot of land for rent without bidding, as well as the procedure for contacting the investment council to expand his production.

As a result of the meeting, the investor received answers to all his questions and will soon submit an application to the Agency!

Two new investment projects from Turkey

Head of the department for support and support of investment projects Olesya Nigmetzyanova met with a delegation of investors from Turkey.

The guests shared that they studied the quality of work with investors, in particular Turkish ones, in other regions of Russia, but in the end they chose Tatarstan, because firstly, they were struck by the quality of project support, and secondly, the mentality of Turks and Tatars is very similar, we are close, “...we are brothers...” summed up the investor.

First of all, the delegation came to get acquainted with the situation on the investment market in the republic. They plan to implement a project in the field of wood processing. It is planned to export finished products to other countries. First of all, to Turkey.

The Alabuga SEZ was previously chosen as the location for production localization. This week the guests visited this special economic zone, as well as the Zelenodolsk district.

The head of the department for support and support of investment projects, Olesya Nigmetzyanova, met with investors.

In the afternoon, the Agency was visited by a Turkish investor who needed warehouse and office space to sell products. After 2 weeks, he must submit all the necessary documents to the Agency. Senior specialist of the department of support and support of investment projects Anastasia Koval met with the businessman.

Tourist investment projects in Laishevsky district: coming soon.

Employees of the AID RT: deputy head Igor Sapunov, head of support and support for investment projects Olesya Nigmetzyanova and head of the investment projects examination department Dmitry Alekseev got acquainted with the project for organizing a tourist base in the village of Derzhavino in the Laishevsky district. Following the meeting, the investor received an assessment of the idea, recommendations from Agency employees and began preparing a master plan.

Also, the investment project “Kazan Marina” (a tourist area in the Laishevsky district) continues to gain momentum! A meeting was held with the participation of the above-mentioned employees of the Agency for Investment Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Committee for Tourism, as well as representatives of the region.

During the meeting, issues of adjusting technical specifications and construction estimates, the progress of work on preparing a set of documents, including investment project passports, and preparing documentation for land plots were raised.

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