Taliya Minullina spoke about investments in the oil and gas complex

27 August 2024, Tuesday

Today, the head of the RT Investment Development Agency, Taliya Minullina, held a business breakfast for GAZPROMBANK on the topic: "The Russian petrochemical complex: from science to investment." She outlined the technological and general trends in the oil and gas industry, the leading companies supplying IT solutions for the industry, investment indicators in it, the dynamics of inventive activity by patent families in the oil and gas industry in Russia, and considered the above using the example of the GAZPROM group of companies.

2024 has been declared the year of scientific and technological development in the Republic of Tatarstan. The region already has advanced experience in supporting high-tech projects and plans to further strengthen the role of innovation in production.

Gazprombank's business breakfast is dedicated to the experience of implementing innovative technologies in the Russian petrochemical sector, where the rules of the game have been modified over the past few years. Active development of science and technology, changing systemic approaches and the industry landscape, even in the conditions of external pressure, stimulates digital and technological transformation of the petrochemical sector: a strategic task in modern realities.

The discussion focused only on those advanced technological solutions, the effect of the implementation of which can be estimated in monetary terms. Industry leaders presented successful cases of innovation implementation, discussed their impact on operational efficiency and
profitability of capital-intensive projects.

Today, companies go through a thorny path from financing scientific developments to their practical application. At the same time, large investment projects traditionally require the participation of financial institutions. In addition to leverage, they offer comprehensive tools to support modern high-tech initiatives.

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